Women in the History of Philosophy

About the Project:

This project is an opportunity for students to work closely with a faculty member in the humanities on a new modern edition of a work written in the 1820s by Scottish philosopher Lady Mary Shepherd. Shepherd's writings were taught at Cambridge University during her lifetime. However, like so many significant women thinkers from the early modern and modern periods, Shepherd's contributions were neglected soon after her death. In recent years, Shepherd's writings have been rediscovered, and this project aims to help them reach a broader audience. The text we'll work on, titled Essay upon the Relation of Cause and Effect, deals with foundational questions in the philosophy of science. Research Associates will be responsible for reading and discussing primary sources, carrying out supervised research projects, and checking citations and proofs of the manuscript. Strong reading and writing skills will be an asset, and a genuine interest in the history of ideas and/or philosophical inquiry is essential (no formal experience with philosophy is required).

Dr. Daoust is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Eckerd College. She is interested in normative issues in cognitive science, especially in perceptual psychology and biology. Her research focuses on the interplay between perceiving organisms and their environments, and on what that interplay can teach us about the conditions under which perception is successful. She has additional research interests in the history of philosophy and psychology, and teaches a broad range of courses, including courses in philosophy of gender and environmental philosophy. 

The First-Year Research Associate Program at Eckerd College honors academically outstanding students with awards of up to $1,000. The program also provides the opportunity, during the first year, for the award winners to work closely with a sponsor (faculty or administrative personnel) on a project of mutual interest. Associates might assist with research for faculty publication or new courses, conduct scientific experiments, work with creative artists, or develop projects related to any phase of the academic, cultural, and social life of the college. Scholars are selected on the basis of achievement in high school and on the creativity and depth of responses to items on this application.​

Online submission due no later than February 3, 2025.

Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.